الجامعة الأردنية - كلية الزراعة

  الإنتاج الحيواني

2. Poultry Production (602212).pdf    
4. Dairy Cattle Production (602215).pdf    
6. Physiology of Farm Animals (602256).pdf    
602311 Rabbit Production ILOs.docx    
9. Dairy Cattle Management (602319).pdf    
11. Genetic Improvement of Farm Animals (602361).pdf    
13. Animal Feeds and Feeding (602382).pdf    
602451 Reproduction and Artificial Insemination 2021.docx    
602474 Range Improvements.docx    
19. Ruminant Nutrition (602485).pdf    
21. Dairy Cattle Nutrition (602487).pdf    
23. Special Training in Animal Production (602493).pdf    
632320 Camel Production ILOs.doc    
Design and Analysis of Experiments I(601701) ILO's.doc    
602713 Environment and the production of farm animals 2021 .docx    
632751 Reproductive Physiology 1st 2022.pdf    
602756 Farm animals behavior ILOs.doc    
0602782 Ruminant Nutrition 1st 2022.pdf    
602789 Production Systems of Small Ruminants ILOs.docx    
602793 Animal Biotechnology ILOs.docx    
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0602914 Incubation and Hatchery Management 1st 2022.pdf    
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Poultry Reproduction (602952).doc    
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602981 Nutritional Biochemistry 1st 2022.pdf